Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

I must say pizza is my all time favorite cheat meal.  Justin and I joke that we can only have pizza on Sundays, well now that's not entirely the case.  We can trick ourselves into having pizza for dinner because it's made up of a no carb crust.  Keep the serving size small and limit the cheese , and you get  yummy pizza for dinner.  Cauliflower pizza crust is a great alternative and it's easy to make.  Not as crispy as an original pizza crust, but hey a lot less calories and a carbless dinner; i'll take that anytime! I made this on a rectangle baking sheet the first time but since then I bought a (Berghoff Earthchef Pizza Pan (Google Affiliate Ad)pizza pan with holes, it makes the crust more crispy. Just make sure to place another pan underneath to catch what falls;) Try it out,  I hope you guys like!

-1 head of cauliflower (chop into small pieces, or grate on a cheese grater, or use a food processor)
     *the smaller the pieces the better.
-1 c. chia seeds
-1/2 c. mozzarella cheese
-2 egg whites
-coconut oil
(get creative here)
I used
-low sugar pasta sauce(look for low sugar, and low sodium)
-mozzarella cheese
-sauteed mushrooms

1. preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. grate cauliflower into stainer (line strainer with paper towel or napkin, this way you can squeeze all excess moisture out)
3. once drained, mix all ingredients together.
4. coat pan with coconut oil and firmly press mixture.
5. bake until golden brown on top, 20-30 minutes. I put on broil for about 5 minutes before taking out.
5. add toppings and bake another 15 minutes.

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