Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Quick Workout!

Happy Wednesday, I hope you all enjoyed your day and got your workouts in by this point; if not here is a great mix to help you burn some calories.  Like I said before you can do this all at home, modify the weights with what you have on hand.  Stay motivated and focus on your diet!
 Abs: 3 sets of 20, do not let feet touch, and make sure ball touches behind your head.
Abs: 3 sets of 20, arms at chest, make sure knee touches elbow.

Abs: 3 sets of 20, arms at chest, make sure knee touches chest. 

Jumping Jacks: 3 sets of 20, I did this holding a 10lb ball.

Shoulders: 3 sets of 20, I used a 15LB bar, make sure elbows reach towards the sky.

Inner Thighs: 3 sets of 20, toes pointed out while on tippy toes, stay on toes the entire time(you will feel this working)

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